Keller Williams Santa Barbara - Dante Berdeuv
Dante Berdeuv
Keller Williams Santa Barbara
Santa Barbara, CA
Número de llicència: DRE#02149358 - CA / Realtor® a les Your Agent - Dante Berdeuv
Cada oficina de Keller Williams® és propietat i opera de manera independent
Els meus detalls
CENTRE DEL MERCAT Keller Williams Santa Barbara

Sobre mi

Hi, my name is Dante Berdeuv and I know that owning a home is one of the most exciting and important aspect of an investment one can make. When you chose me, you will have a realtor who will listen to your needs, be a confidant and work for your best interest. Most of the clients I meet are buying their first home and this could be a joyous, terrifying, and hopeful moment of their lives and I want to take the terrifying equation out of it as much as possible. At a young age the significance of hospitality, white glove concierge-level service, and effective communication with clients and fellow industry professionals.

In addition to hospitality, I have owned and operated my photography and videography career working with various individuals and businesses to promote and market their brand. My clients’ interests are at the forefront of my mission, and I will go the extra mile in helping my clients pursue their real estate goals. With decades of customer service,

I am committed to assisting my buyers and sellers in meeting their real estate needs, keeping them up to date regarding recent activities and actions. I like to build a long-term relationship beyond the complete of the transaction, a relationship built on integrity, trust, and I have their best interest in mind. When you partner with me, you will receive a knowledgeable and professional real estate agent, a committed ally to work on your behalf

My Preferred Vendors
A curated selection of vendors that I trust and recommend for various services. Discover reliable businesses that offer exceptional quality and a commitment to excellence.
My Preferred Vendors
I've worked with exceptional businesses and service providers. If you need information or recommendations for lenders, contractors, remodelers, and more, please don't hesitate to reach out.
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Dante Berdeuv
Número de llicència: DRE#02149358
Your Agent - Dante Berdeuv

Interessat? Parlem!
Keller Williams Santa Barbara
1503 and 1511 Chapala Santa Barbara, CA 93101

Dante Berdeuv
Realtor® DRE#02149358
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